Will the peasants revolt? Or will the ‘Wellies for Wealth’ charlatans save the day?

The peasants’ who have toiled the land for paltry sums on behalf of the long established British ruling elites have never been seen wanting when it comes to revolting. 

As far back as 1381, peasants rebelled against a newly-installed British King Richard II over poll tax and greater rights. Anarchy was the outcome. It was also recorded in the British history books that, by-and-large, the peasants’ achieved some changes, but not the intended results. 

Fast forward to today’s situation where we have witnessed something similar — thousands of farmers protesting against a tax. Only this time to do with inheritance. This situation has come about, due to the British ruling class making policy changes. 

However, many farmers argue that while they are asset rich, for example in terms of their land and livestock, they are cash poor and the changes would mean they would have to sell up to be able to pay the tax. 

The farming community has been described as neither being a bloc nor homogenous. So, when racist and British populist politician Nigel Farage turned up at a recent protest the British public called him out. 

They labelled him as a ‘cosplay grifter’ wearing farmers attire and battered wellies thus far keeping with aristo country style codes whilst claiming to be on their side! 

Populism has been described as a political Ponzi scheme by David Davin-Power, (Irish Independent): 

‘It works well when voters are piling in. But come the first sign of trouble — the first hint that interest might not be paid on every issue raised — and that support stampedes out the door. Then the entire house of cards begins to collapse.’ 

This man Farage is not on his own when it comes to acts of populism within the ‘wellies for wealth’ campaign. We also have a self-confessed farm owner-tax dodger; celebrity Jeremy Clarkson rock up to represent the people. 

We live in an age of career politicians and grifter’s whose only goal is their own personal advancement. One consequence of which is that, whatever else they say, they have no alternative vision for society and therefore end up trying to present the same failed policies as something new. 

It would do well for those farmers resisting the changes and to recall that, ‘Monarchs of the Glen’ and ruddy-faced toffs aren’t the people who’ve worked the land for centuries. 

They’re the ones who stole it, enclosed it, and imposed serfdom. 

Let it be said that, there is the greatest respect for real agricultural workers. But ever since the Cotswolds became an extension of South Kensington, London we have seen more cosplay clowns.


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